Ramadan Impact
Report 2021
Feed Our World
Meals Distributed
Thirst Relief
Hand Pumps
Deep Wells Built
Orphans Sponsored
Palestinian Dates
This Ramadan you supported Palestinian farmers from the pastures of Jericho along the West Bank of Palestine.
$293,809 were raised by our Penny Appeal USA change-makers; including $176,798 for 6 Solar Power Centers.
Hasan + Penny Appeal USA
“I’m proud to be a Penny Appeal USA Donor. Ramadan is an opportunity to give back to communities in need. I’m honored to help serve the most vulnerable, and hopefully change thousands of lives with Penny Appeal USA.” – Hasan Minhaj
India COVID-19 Emergency Response
Your Zakat saved lives in India. Penny Appeal USA, with your help, provided life saving PPE, medicines and oxygen in India at a time when the country was struggling to breathe.
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funding. That’s why we’re counting on you
to support our programs. Every dollar you
spend will go towards improving the quality
of life of someone in need.