Digital Divide
Merriam Webster defines digital divide as “the economic, educational, and social inequalities between those who have computers and online access and those who do not. In an era when broadband is essential to innovation, jobs, and global competitiveness, the lack of it can cause serious impediments to those who cannot access it.
*Federal Communications Commission
Bridging The Digital Divide

A child’s education doesn’t only take place at school, but also in the home.
Case Study

E2D Re-Image Lab
Charlotte, North Carolina
Penny Appeal USA partnered with E2D to open a satellite computer lab to expand efforts to eliminate the digital divide for all Charlotte-Mecklenburg County students while also providing IT workforce development. The Re-Image Lab at West Charlotte High School trained and employed 12 students as computer technicians to refurbish and re-image decommissioned corporate laptop computers. In the first 3 months, the students successfully refurbished and re-imaged over 700 computers.

E2D Re-Image Lab
Charlotte, North Carolina
Penny Appeal USA partnered with E2D to open a satellite computer lab to expand efforts to eliminate the digital divide for all Charlotte-Mecklenburg County students while also providing IT workforce development. The Re-Image Lab at West Charlotte High School trained and employed 12 students as computer technicians to refurbish and re-image decommissioned corporate laptop computers. In the first 3 months, the students successfully refurbished and re-imaged over 700 computers.