Back to School

Help students and their parents start the school year right.

of students from low-income areas do not finish high school.*
0 %

6.8 million children, or about 1 in 11 of all children in the U.S., live at 50 percent below the federal poverty line. By providing students with the school essentials, we are also relieving the financial stresses of their parents, and allowing them to attend school regularly.

*According to

What We Do

Each year, we run a national back-to-school drive with the help of our awesome #TeamOrange volunteers. We provide school supplies for elementary and middle school students who come from socio-economically disadvantaged families and facilitate the school year transition for newly arrived refugee families.

Case Study

1,000 students ready for school

United States

Iman and Sanned (pictured) are carrying a few of the 450 school bags after they were packed at a community center in the Washington Metropolitan area. In 2018, our #TeamOrange Volunteers packed and distributed more than 1000 school bags. Due to the wild success of the drive, it's become an annual tradition to help students start their school year with a little boost.

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