Education First
The biggest obstacle to learning is the inability to attend school.
Education is a vital tool in helping children break the cycle of poverty – switching the poverty cycle to a multigenerational cycle of prosperity! There isn’t a country known to have achieved continuous and rapid economic growth without first achieving a minimum 40% literacy rate. That’s why we focus on giving children access to quality education by providing comfortable facilities and the necessary tools they need to succeed!
Our Programs
Digital Divide
Give students the tools to design, build, and create their own futures.
Back To School
Students deserve a quality education. For $30 per month, help us provide the tools and resources for children to start the school year on the best foot.
Stories from the Field
The Leadership College
Cape Town, South Africa
With the support of the Cat Stevens Foundation, we provided 9 classrooms to The Leadership College, doubling their capacity. The classrooms have been of great use to the Manenberg community as they have allowed 357 learners in 2018 to receive free quality education and this number will continue to increase each year as more young people are given an opportunity to receive free education. A total of 71 Grade 12 learners undertook their final exams in 2018, a great achievement for the township.