Penny Appeal USA Blog
Penny Appeal USA is dedicated to ending the cycle of poverty through our innovative and sustainable programming around the world.
Building sustainable impact and long-term results
As with any industry, there is a need to evolve as the ecosystem we operate in changes, be it social, political or environmental. However, our goal at Penny Appeal USA is to find the balance while still staying true to our core mission and values.
Welcoming the Season of Sacrifice
To sacrifice your own child could easily be argued as one of the ultimate sacrifices one can make.
Act #ForMama, Act For The World
Led by a coalition of U.S. and U.K. faith-inspired philanthropies and donors, the ‘For Mama Campaign’ aims to mobilize the power of our communities to put an end to preventable maternal deaths around the world, which unjustly impact our most vulnerable women whose needs and experiences are too often overlooked.
Reflections from the Field: South Africa
During my time in South Africa, more than anything I felt the power of a mother’s love.
Selecting Partners: Penny Appeal USA’s Due Diligence
These partnerships go deeper than just a one-to-one relationship. We believe heavily in our localization model, which relies on local community-based organizations to deliver the work.
Let Ramadan Scorch Our Ego Away
Ramadan is meant to be trial by fire; to put us through our paces to tame our ego before we must face God one day.